2nd XV
Captains: Dan Hooper
The rise of the 2s within Medics rugby over the last few years has been spectacular. From going from a small team struggling to put out a side, to playing reguklar matches most Saturdays in first and second term. This allows us to trulky claim to be a club that provides rugby for everyone.
The 2s play in the second division of the National association of Medical Schools (NAMS) cup. Despite only being able to enter a team for the last couple of years the improvements of the 2s team has been drastic. With them making it to the final of the 2s competition in a club first in the 2023-24 season.
To keep their skills honed for the important matches the 2s also play regularly in the intramural competition, playing against other, less handsome, university sides. This means there is always regular rugby to be played.
Tuesdays at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex (BS9 2BJ) 18:00 - 19:30
Fridays at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex 19:00 - 20:00
Intramural matches are held at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex
NAMS 2s matches will be held at Coombe Dingle Sports Complex